Diane Osaki

Diane Osaki

Director, Occupational Therapist


Diane is an occupational therapist who has specialized in working with families, infants, children and adults with autism for over 30 years. Her work is grounded in merging the principles of applied behavior analysis and developmental framework to promote social interaction, communication, self regulation, play, work, motor development. self-care. and problem solving.

Diane worked as a young occupational therapist at JFK Partners Autism and Developmental Disorders Clinic. At JFK Partners, Diane worked with Dr. Sally Rogers and a team of multi-disciplinary professionals where she found her passion and life’s work. Diane worked with Dr. Sally Rogers on early versions of the Denver Model program and is a certified as a trainer and in direct delivery in the Early Start Denver Model. After serving as Director of the Occupational Therapy Department for the JFK Partners, she founded and directed a non-profit treatment center where she focused on providing developmentally focused, behavioral intervention for children with autism, called the Aspen Center for Autism, now called, Firefly Autism Center. After leaving Firefly Autism Center, Diane and a small group of dedicated therapists founded Thrive Autism Collaborative.

Diane is a clinician at heart and works directly with families and people across the lifespan from infants to adults. She regularly consults with families and other agencies, nationally and internationally, to collaborate in developing innovative programs, staff coaching and problem solving.

Diane loves to laugh, play, and learn with people of all ages. In her spare time, Diane spends time with her two grown children, new baby granddaughter and friends and enjoys cooking, traveling and taking care of a houseful of animals and gardens.